Thursday, September 11, 2014

Wing Island Walk

Summer fades into fall.  Tourists hurry off Cape to catch the beginning of school.  We lucky full-timers remain anchored here, now free to follow whatever trail we wish, dawdle in the high marsh grass or lounge on warm sand beaches.  We return with quiet glee to Wing Island sanctuary.  The teeming crowds of kids who terrorized crawling creatures in "mud flat mania" are now safely sequestered in far-away classrooms.

We absorb the peace of Payne's Creek, swollen with high tide just about to ebb.

We ponder the myriad of emerald greens swirled into jaunty tufts by wind and water.   

Crossing the height of the island on shady forest paths, we catch a first glimpse of the distant bay under a low bank of cumulus.  

The path leads to the sea through a wide expanse of low grass that stretches the legs and calms the mind.

The open views from the beach lull us into dreamy meditation.

The interplay of black-bellied plover and dowitcher thrill the birders.

A juvenile ruddy turnstone surveys the scene.  

We can't neglect the scurry of semi-palmated plover at our feet.

One could do worse than spend an entire afternoon in reverie at Wing Island.  

Ah well, return home we must, guided softly through a cocoon of green.  

Enjoy those schooldays kids.  I'm home for a hot cuppa tea.